Chlliwack Isshin-Ryu Karate Club is doing Amazing

Chilliwack Isshin-Ryu Karate Club is doing amazing. It is due to the pupils I have. From family to the kids’ friends to the kids that just started on a whim and know nobody there. The next few months are going to make the club even stronger. Learning Kata, Buncai, Kobudo, Kumite. It is endless. With keen minds to feed it makes being a Sensei so much fun. This group of students are  amazing and I know that they are making Chilliwack Isshin-Ryu Karate Club a CLUB that they belong to. Every class they are reminded of the importance of the preservation of Isshin-Ryu and its meaning. I can see that they are truly practicing Whole heartedly. I tell them stories of my life as a pupil (and that I still am ad always will be) and stories that I grew up on regarding the rich history of Isshin-Ryu and Okinawa and Shimabuku Tatsuo and they are engaged fully. I love this.

I told them of Goju Ryu and Ibuki breathing. This kata is a total body workout. I have also told them of how my late Sensei Tom was so intense to watch when he did the kata s was my dad and as always Sensei Advincula.

Shimabuku Tatsuo doing Sanchin Kata

Shimabuku Tatsuo doing Sanchin Kata

Sensei Arcenio James Advincula doing Sanchin Kata. Truly a forde to be reckoned with.

Sensei Arcenio James Advincula doing Sanchin Kata. Truly a force to be reckoned with.

That’s how it’s done folks. Those two right there…

With the grading coming up on monday the 27th of October 2014 it marks the first grading for Chilliwack Isshin-Ryu Karate Club and is truly a beautiful thing. Watching, experiencing, leading this dojo into the future with the bright eyes and open minds of all involved.


Cheers  Everyone.


Sensei Ryan Bird

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